Monday, December 20, 2010

Two Danes

Dashing through the December streets of Copenhagen, I see that there is time for a beer or two before I need to be at the railway station. As I am walking through Strøget and getting closer to Rådhuspladsen, I know where to go: Bryggeriet Apollo next to Tivoli.

At Bryggeriet Apollo most tables are occupied, and there is a queue of people waiting to be shown a table. I have no time for waiting, so I decide to walk on towards the railway station.

In one of the streets next to the station I find Vertshuset Pinden. Pinden looks like a typical Danish inn with brown tables and a decent supply of Danish beers and schnaps. Unfortunately there are no draught beer at Pinden, but I sit down and order a bottle of Carlsberg's Carl's Special.

Carl's Special was one of several beers Carlsberg started brewing some years ago that Danish beer drinkers could vote on. It won the vote, and it has been on the market since. In the glass this is a copper coloured beer with nearly no carbonation and a small head. I can smell malts and coffee from the beer. In the mouth there is a taste of cold coffee and some dark chocolate. This is a lovely beer, and it is one I can recommend.

As it is December, the Danish Christmas beers are on the market. At Pinden they have Tuborg's Julebryg. This copper coloured beer with little carbonation and a large head is a disappointment compared to Carl's Special. The beer has nearly no aroma, and it has a sweet taste. There is some malts and hops in it, but it is clearly a less interesting beer than Carl's Special.

Pinden was a nice neighbourhood boozer. I had a nice time there before I moved on to catch my train. But on my way I stopped at a newsagent to have a beer to drink on my train. Guess which!

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